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We are now over 80% full across our Summer Experiences. Secure your spot now.

We are now over 80% full across our Summer Experiences. Secure your spot now.

Rumbi Mpofu

Attended: Young Investment Banker Weekend

Now: Studies Accounting & Finance at the London School of Economics

I attended the InvestIn programme in my Lower 6th year and had a variety of options presented to me for the Investment Banking career path.

Before I attended the program, I was unsure of which career to pursue and which degree to aim for but after my attendance I had a great understanding of where I saw myself in the next few years. Not only did the team offer advice on the next steps I could take during my time in 6th form but they also further explained what careers in the differing segments of Investment Banking look like and which segment I may be best suited for through guided simulations and presentations.

Following their advice I attended the Morgan Stanley Step In, Step Up program in my Upper Sixth year, an opportunity I doubt I would’ve been alerted of without my attendance on the course. The course also advised on the wide variety of degree programs best suited for Investment Banking, which lead to me applying and being accepted into LSE’s Accounting and Finance course. Following the information presented by the industry professionals we met I had a new fervour for achieving the grades I needed as well as being confident in the decision I made to follow this career path. The advice given to me was realistic and the presenters did well in explaining everything holistically, making my application processes smooth due to their experience.

My gratitude to the team is immeasurable and I cannot commend its facilitators enough for helping me achieve goals I had not considered possible previously.

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The Alumni Project

We often get asked what our students do beyond InvestIN - whether they continue to pursue the same career, or pivot into a different field. In 2023 we conducted a survey of our alumni students to find out what they are doing now and whether InvestIN helped them in this journey.

78% of respondents referenced InvestIN in their university application

80% of respondents said that our programmes helped them decide what career to pursue

3/4 of respondents that referenced InvestIN received a place at their first choice university

2/3 of respondents said our programmes gave them the knowledge and skills they needed to succeed in their chosen career