Livvey Wadsworth
Attended: Young Investment Banker Weekend
Now: Studies Business & Economics at Bath Spa University
"I found out about the InvestIN investment banking course through my school as I had a keen interest from a young age in the investment world. The course enabled me to gain an insight into the industry and helped point me in the right direction of the type of university course I’d choose.
I chose to do Business and Economics and throughout my course I took on the advice of one of the industry executives from InvestIn and approached professionals via LinkedIn to help me look for a placement job, something which I would not have had the confidence or knowledge to do previously. The course was an interesting talking point in many placement job interviews and has been a foundation for my knowledge of the industry. As a result, I accepted a placement in a financial advice firm.
Having the opportunity to listen to experienced professionals whilst still at school has definitely influenced my job preferences so far and has fuelled my passion for the investment industry. As I approach graduation, I intend to stay in the same field of work and use the tools I learnt to seek future career opportunities."
The Alumni Project
We often get asked what our students do beyond InvestIN - whether they continue to pursue the same career, or pivot into a different field. In 2023 we conducted a survey of our alumni students to find out what they are doing now and whether InvestIN helped them in this journey.

78% of respondents referenced InvestIN in their university application

80% of respondents said that our programmes helped them decide what career to pursue

3/4 of respondents that referenced InvestIN received a place at their first choice university

2/3 of respondents said our programmes gave them the knowledge and skills they needed to succeed in their chosen career