Matthew Webdale
Attended: Young Entrepreneurship Summer Experience
Now: Studies Business at Lancaster University and ICADE in Madrid
"While researching potential career options in Sixth Form, I was unsure of which careers would suit me. I had many ideas in my head around potential pathways including Business, Politics or Law, but I was unable to decide which would be most enjoyable and relevant to my interests.
Having seen the InvestIN programs advertised, I thought that taking part in one of these experiences would be an optimal way of getting a taste of some of these industries. As a result, In 2020 I took part in one of InvestIN’s Entrepreneurship Experiences, to introduce me to the world of business and entrepreneurship.
This programme gave me the chance to delve into the world of business, build connections with other like-minded individuals, and learn from the best in the industry. This experience also allowed me to narrow down my potential career choices, which ultimately helped me get to where I am today, studying on a Double Degree programme in International Business Management & Spanish, at both Lancaster University and ICADE in Madrid. Hearing from industry experts, as well as current university students, was excellent in helping me to choose potential university courses. It was the testimonial of one of the students present who spoke of their experience of being abroad that made me ultimately choose a university course that would allow me to travel around the world.
The programme also involved group work, which acted as a valuable precursor to my university studies so far. In conclusion, ultimately, it was the InvestIN Entrepreneurship Experience which helped me chose my university course, and therefore career path so far. Also, without my practical experience with InvestIN I do not believe I would have been able to enjoy my summer internship at a large financial services firm as much as I did. I would not have been so clear on my academic ambitions had it not been for the program that I attended."
The Alumni Project
We often get asked what our students do beyond InvestIN - whether they continue to pursue the same career, or pivot into a different field. In 2023 we conducted a survey of our alumni students to find out what they are doing now and whether InvestIN helped them in this journey.

78% of respondents referenced InvestIN in their university application

80% of respondents said that our programmes helped them decide what career to pursue

3/4 of respondents that referenced InvestIN received a place at their first choice university

2/3 of respondents said our programmes gave them the knowledge and skills they needed to succeed in their chosen career