Non-Event Test Product - Do Not Remove
Non-Event Test Product - Do Not Remove
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in illum minimum consectetuer nam, sea cu soleat adipiscing, dolorem dissentias ut pro. Augue appetere ei eam. Propriae scaevola voluptaria id pri, recusabo conceptam et nec, sit an illud habemus. Usu alia vivendo ea, mei scaevola suscipiantur et.
Et bonorum aliquando quo. Nam laudem percipit complectitur ex. Cum in unum vidit explicari, in paulo splendide accommodare nam, vim viris graece copiosae ne. Dolor vidisse propriae no pri.
Nec posse nullam putent in, porro gloriatur vis te. Quaeque nominavi platonem vix ut. Tollit splendide vim no, erant saepe aliquam sed in, his falli melius id. Eu primis virtute delicata nam. Inani mediocrem consequuntur qui ei. Cu vel tantas imperdiet. Vel id meis noster delenit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in illum minimum consectetuer nam, sea cu soleat adipiscing, dolorem dissentias ut pro. Augue appetere ei eam. Propriae scaevola voluptaria id pri, recusabo conceptam et nec, sit an illud habemus. Usu alia vivendo ea, mei scaevola suscipiantur et.
Et bonorum aliquando quo. Nam laudem percipit complectitur ex. Cum in unum vidit explicari, in paulo splendide accommodare nam, vim viris graece copiosae ne. Dolor vidisse propriae no pri.
Nec posse nullam putent in, porro gloriatur vis te. Quaeque nominavi platonem vix ut. Tollit splendide vim no, erant saepe aliquam sed in, his falli melius id. Eu primis virtute delicata nam. Inani mediocrem consequuntur qui ei. Cu vel tantas imperdiet. Vel id meis noster delenit.
In the unlikely event that the in-person programme is completely cancelled because of Covid-19 then students will receive a refund. We have never yet had to cancel a London summer experience, having successfully delivered programmes during the summers of 2020 and 2021, with strict social distancing and excellent feedback. We shall of course adhere to all Covid-related government guidelines in place at the time of the programme and keep student safety as the highest priority.
If you pay via credit because you postponed a previous booking then the credit note will be reissued to you in full.
If you are trying to register and the registration box is not appearing it is likely because of firewall restrictions on your desktop device.
You may wish to try on your mobile device instead. Alternatively, please email with details of the programme you want to register for. We will reserve your place immediately and send you a link to pay by card online.