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The Future Filmmaker Weekend

InvestIN Education
InvestIN Education

The Future Filmmaker Weekend


The Future Filmmaker Weekend takes students aged 12-14 on an immersive exploration of the world of filmmaking. Across 2 days you will take part in a series of interactive simulations, seminars and Q&A sessions, all led by a group of experience industry professionals. The programme gives you direct access to top screenwriters, directors, producers, actors, and sound editors, who will guide you through the process of creating, shooting, and editing short film scenes and answer all your burning questions.

You will also be coached on how to gain a competitive edge in the race for the best jobs in film, with guidance on GCSE choices, extra-curricular activities, work experience and more. The programme will end with a personal and creative 'Project Launchpad', an invaluable starting point from which to begin your journey into the film industry. 

Read all highights

Immersive Experiences of a Filmmaker

  • Experienced filmmakers will coach you through live, interactive simulations, including:
  • Write a script from scratch, using industry-standard software
  • Planning and writing your own stories which can be translated onto the screen
  • Applying tried-and-tested cinematography techniques into your own original shots, with prizes available for the most imaginative work
  • Working collaboratively with your peers to choose the most appropriate soundtrack and sound effects, and applying them to a professional scene
  • Making artistic decisions crucial to the post-production process, before working with an award-winning professional to edit the shots together
  • Understanding the 'filmmaking mindset' and the exciting future that lies ahead


Why should I attend?:

  • Experience a unique, immersive insight into one of the world’s most exciting and creative careers
  • Meet successful writers, directors, editors and producers and gain insight into their day-to-day experiences by asking them questions
  • Get coaching on how to get a head start on your peers and start your journey into the film industry
  • Gain valuable work experience before you even turn 16


The World of Film

- Why do we love film? An introduction to different styles, genres, techniques and the current state of the film industry
- Who works in film? An overview of the professionals that make up the film world, including directors, producers, editors, technicians, scriptwriters and more
- The Netflix effect: the impact of streaming on modern cinema and an examination of our ever-changing technological landscape

Idea, Concept and Story Formation: Future Writers’ Workshop

- Discover the creative frameworks used by famous screenwriters
- Collaborate with an award-winning professional and write a script from scratch using industry-standard software
- Learn the importance of scene, setting, structure, dialogue, conflict and character development
- Enter the writers’ room: work collaboratively with peers to unleash your creativity and come up with amazing storylines that you’d like to see on screen
- Receive live feedback from experienced professionals

Lunch Break


Directing, Filming, and Cinematography: The ‘2-Shot Challenge’

- Explore the artistic decisions deployed by the most successful and critically acclaimed directors from around the world
- Learn how to direct actors’ emotions and the importance of ‘giving a note’
- Learn about storyboarding, camera shots, angles and techniques
- Discover how to plan and film at home, using just 2 shots and transitioning between them
- Receive constructive feedback from filmmakers and your peers
- Win prizes for the most imaginative shots

Panel Discussion

- Live panel Q&A with top production professionals from the film industry
- Get all your burning questions answered
- Receive valuable advice


*exact programme subject to change without notice.

This programme is for students aged 12-14. No prior knowledge or experience is required. The programme involves a mixture of interactive simulations, exercises and Q&A sessions.

Programme Fee:

‘Live Online’: £165/student for both days.

There is no application process, and you can secure your place simply by clicking “Register Now”. We operate on a first-come first-served basis and programme places are limited.

Choose a location below:

Live online

3rd - 4th December 2022

10.30am - 4:30pm (UK time)

As part of your booking, you will receive 12 months’ access to our state-of-the-art tech platform, AmbitionX. Here you will find all of your programme materials and complete post-programme assessments to gain coveted ‘experience points’ to demonstrate your levels of professional development. You will also be able to access any of InvestIN’s Live Online weekend and evening programmes through AmbitionX at no extra cost.



In the unlikely event that the in-person programme is completely cancelled because of Covid-19 then students will receive a refund. We have never yet had to cancel a London summer experience, having successfully delivered programmes during the summers of 2020 and 2021, with strict social distancing and excellent feedback. We shall of course adhere to all Covid-related government guidelines in place at the time of the programme and keep student safety as the highest priority.

If you pay via credit because you postponed a previous booking then the credit note will be reissued to you in full.



If you are trying to register and the registration box is not appearing it is likely because of firewall restrictions on your desktop device.

You may wish to try on your mobile device instead. Alternatively, please email with details of the programme you want to register for. We will reserve your place immediately and send you a link to pay by card online.